Resident Assistants (RAs)
Each hall has at least two Resident Assistants (RAs). RAs are sophomores, juniors, or seniors who work for University Housing and help students adjust to college life. RAs are friendly and approachable, so students should feel free to talk to any staff member about any concerns they may have. RAs are helpful resources regarding how to get involved on campus and effective study habits. RAs help students learn to live cooperatively with others by developing community, mediating conflicts, and reporting policy violations. They also ensure that everyone is familiar with safety and security procedures.
To develop a sense of community and help residents meet new people, RAs sponsor many social and educational programs throughout the year. Read the digital display board in the hall lobby to learn more about these events and other timely updates. Many halls use Facebook or other social media to advertise events. Talk to an RA about how to get connected and involved in the hall.
RA on Duty
At least one RA is on duty for the residence hall each day. Check the digital display board in the hall lobby to learn how to contact the RA on duty. We advise residents to store the number(s) of the RA on duty for their neighborhood in their phone.