At the start of Thanksgiving, winter, and spring breaks, RAs will check each resident’s room to ensure that students have left and all closing procedures were followed. When RAs notice policy violations, the violations will be reported to Housing staff.
Room/Suite Entry: Housing staff members and other authorized University personnel may enter a resident’s room and/or suite under the following circumstances:
- when there is an immediate threat to the health and safety of residents/property
- when it is necessary to preserve campus order, security, or discipline
- during fire drills or severe weather evacuations
- for routine maintenance repairs or inspections
- at closing for all university breaks
Weapons and Firearms: During room/suite inspections, any weapons or firearms found will be confiscated and turned over to the proper authorities and a $200 fine will be imposed. See the Dangerous Weapons and Firearms Policy for a list of prohibited items. University Housing prohibits the possession and use of airsoft guns.
Hall Security
Security of the residence hall is everyone’s responsibility. Direct any questions or concerns to the RA staff.
Hall Access: Residents must carry their keys and TigerCard with them at all times. Do not prop exterior or interior doors and unprop any propped doors.
Report all suspected thefts to a Housing staff member (i.e., the RA on duty), and file a report with the Auburn Police: (334) 501-3100. Students are encouraged to check with their family’s insurance provider to determine if their homeowner’s/apartment dweller’s policy covers personal property. If this coverage is not provided, students are encouraged to purchase personal renters’ insurance.
Suspicious Behavior: Do not allow any unknown person to enter the residence hall. Report suspicious behavior by calling 911 immediately.
Severe Weather: Severe weather is a threat to campus and every resident needs to know how to respond. In Alabama, tornadoes can occur any time of the year, but peak in the spring – March through May – and again in November.
- Outdoor Warning Sirens: The Outdoor Warning Sirens on campus are tested the 4th Wednesday of each month at noon. Because the outdoor warning sirens may not be heard indoors, students are encouraged to sign up for Auburn’s emergency notification system (AU ALERT) and to consider purchasing a NOAA weather radio. AU ALERT is used to communicate time-sensitive information via text, voice, email and social media.
If students receive an alert that there is a tornado warning, take shelter immediately in the designated shelter locations. Shelter locations are clearly marked with white and green signs and are typically located on the lower interior portions of buildings on campus. Severe Weather Shelter locations are identified on building diagrams.
- If shelter is not available, move to the center and lowest point of the building.
- Stay away from windows and doors to prevent injury from glass or other flying objects and cover your head with any heavy/bulky object to protect yourself.
- Do not go outdoors to watch the storm, Campus Safety and Security personnel and trained storm spotters will monitor the situation.
- If you are in a vehicle, seek shelter in a building or other safe place. As a last resort, you should seek shelter in a ditch or low lying area until the threat passes. Be careful and look for low area flooding as well.
- If flood water rises, do not attempt to wade or travel through the stream, even small amounts of water can be very dangerous.
- Report any injury/damage to the 911 dispatcher and provide them as much information as possible to respond to the emergency.
- Once the storm has cleared and only after dialing 911 for help, then notify Campus Safety and Security at (334) 844-8888 of any damages or injuries.
Shelter-In-Place: If advised to “shelter-in-place” follow the instructions provided at that time. In most cases, students will be asked to stay indoors, stay away from all windows and doors until the danger passes and they receive an “all clear message”.
Suspicious Object or Package: If you find or receive a report of a suspicious object or package, do not touch the object/package and immediately call 911 to report it. Leave the immediate area and tell others around you so they can clear the area as well. Auburn Police will respond and investigate. Do not initiate a building evacuation unless instructed to do so by Auburn Police or Campus Safety and Security personnel.