Building Maintenance: Property Management provides general maintenance (i.e., painting, plumbing, electrical, carpentry, heat and air conditioning) and custodial services in each residence hall. Custodians regularly clean all public areas of residence halls including lobbies, public restrooms, corridors, study rooms, and laundry rooms. Custodians do not clean resident rooms or bathrooms during the academic year.

Cable TV: Auburn’s Office of Information Technology provides a current list of TV channels. A digital television with a QAM Cable Tuner is required to access cable TV.
Internet Access: Wireless internet access is available across campus and in each residence hall. For more information about these services or to report a problem with the internet, visit the AU Wireless website.
Laundry Facilities: Hill residents have access to washers and dryers in each residence hall and/or in Terrell Hall. Residents of Teague and Broun have laundry facilities in their residence hall. All other Quad residents have access to laundry facilities at the Quad Center. Village residents have access to laundry machines in their halls. Each suite in South Donahue, 191 College, and 160 Ross, is furnished with a washer and dryer. Residents are responsible for providing their own detergent and other laundry supplies. Auburn University does not offer a linen service.

Mail Services: Each resident is assigned a mailbox in an area mailroom at the Village, Quad Center (Quad), Sasnett Hall (Hill), or South Donahue. To learn more about mailroom locations, hours of operation and services, visit the mail services website.
Parking: Students who live on campus park in different zones than students who live off campus. The Parking Services Office is located on the second floor of the South Quad parking deck.
Pest Control: If signs of insects or other pests are noticed in the residence hall, submit an online maintenance request form. Questions or concerns regarding pest control may be directed to Property Management (334) 844-4477. To help control pests, keep all clothes, shoes, and other personal items off the floor and away from heaters, keep food in containers and off of floors and counters, and empty the trash regularly.
Police: For emergency or life threatening situations, call 911. Residents are encouraged to report suspicious behavior or unusual circumstances to the police and Housing staff immediately. Do not assume that you are overreacting or that someone else has called. For non-emergency matters, call (334) 501-3100.
Telephones: The University does not offer land line phone service.
Tiger Dining: Dining facilities are located in close proximity to the residence halls. Residents may use their dining plan in any dining facility. For more information about campus dining, visit the Tiger Dining website.
TigerMail: TigerMail email account is the official form of communication between students and Auburn University. Students are encouraged to check TigerMail frequently for important information from Housing staff as well as other University departments.
Work Order Request: Residents may submit maintenance work orders 24 hours a day, seven days a week for non-emergency requests. To request emergency repairs during Property Management’s business hours (Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.), call (334) 844-4477. To request emergency repair work after business hours or on weekends, call (334) 844-4357 (HELP).
Last modified: August 25, 2023